Managing Student Mobility in Cameroon’s University Ecosystem: A FORM/BCS Approach

Amougou Ngoumou(1), Atsa Etoundi Roger(2), Marcel Fouda Ndjodo(3),

(1) University of Yaounde I
(2) University of Yaounde I
(3) University of Yaounde I


Nowadays, student mobility cannot be avoided in Cameroon university ecosystem. This phenomenon has many causes. Certain students live with their parents who are civil servants and they have to move with them when they are sending to a different region; another situation is link to universities newly created in cities where the cost of the live is better than in the home university city and students prefer move to these new universities. Since student circuit is not the same in each university, it is difficult to find his level in the new university and which courses he has to follow in order to complete his training. This problem is crucial in Cameroon university ecosystem and we tackle it in this paper. The Feature Oriented Reuse Method with Business Component Semantics (FORM/BCS) is a software domain engineering method that has been proposed to design an adaptable architecture for systems belonging in a same business domain. In this work, we apply the FORM/BCS method to manage student mobility in Cameroon university ecosystem. The result of this work is a management model that allows once a student gets an enrolment in a new university, to transfer credit from the student home university to the host one.


Student mobility; Product line engineering; Feature orientation; Business components; Formal method

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