Comparison of Moora and Waspas Methods for Recommendations of Cayenne Pepper Seeds

Agus Tri Wardani(1), Hamdani Hamdani(2), Fahrul Agus(3),

(1) Mulawarman University
(2) Mulawarman University
(3) Mulawarman University


Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) encompasses several methodologies, including MOORA and WASPAS. These strategies demonstrate unique approaches and produce varying results. The main aim of this work is to provide a comparative analysis of the MOORA and WASPAS procedures. To achieve this objective, we conduct a detailed analysis that specifically examines five parameters related to cayenne pepper seeds: prospective crop yields, optimal harvesting time, recommended conditions for highland cultivation, weight of 1000 seeds, and plant height. The study utilizes the sensitivity test approach in a comparative analysis framework to ascertain the superior method. The computations using both the MOORA and WASPAS methods determine that the Bisi Hp 35 (A3) alternative is the best choice. This alternative has a MOORA preference value of 0.1463, while the WASPAS approach gives it a preference value of 0.8374. Next, we perform a sensitivity test by increasing the weight criteria for each criterion by 0.5 and 1. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the MOORA approach has a level of 380, whereas the WASPAS method has a level of 376. The data suggest that the MOORA method is more effective than the WASPAS method when it comes to making recommendations for cayenne pepper seeds.


Descission Support System; MOORA; WASPAS; Sensitivity Test; Cayenne Pepper Seeds

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