Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (JCSE)

The Journal of  Computer Science and Engineering (JCSE), with registered number ISSN 2721-0251 (online) is a scientific journal published by ICSE (Institute of Computer Sciences and Engineering). The journal registered in the CrossRef system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) prefix 10.36596/jcse. Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (JCSE) is an peer-reviewed journal dedicated to interchange for the results of high quality research in all aspect of Informatics, Information System, Information Technology and Data Sciences. The Journal of  Computer Science and Engineering (JCSE) publishes original research findings as regular papers, review papers. As our commitment to the advancement of Computer Science and Engineering, the JCSE follows the open access policy that allows the published articles freely available online without any subscription. Publication Frequency: Two issues per year (February and August)

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Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (JCSE) - Accreditated with Grade "4" by RistekDikti of The Republic of Indonesia


Dear JCSE contributors, 

We announce to you that JCSE has ACCREDITATED with grade (SINTA 4) by the Ministry of Research and Technology (Ristekdikti) of The Republic of Indonesia, Decree No. NOMOR 152/E/KPT/2023. (Accredited Document Link)

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Editorial Team

Posted: 2024-01-17
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Vol 4, No 2: August (2023)

This issue has been available online since 31 August 2023 for the regular issue of August 2023. All articles in this issue (4 original research articles and 1 Literature Review) were authored/co-authored by 17 authors from 8 affiliations and 6 countries (United Stated of America, Bangladesh, Russia, India, Indonesia, Cameroon)

Table of Contents


Mohammad Sadman Tahsin, Musaddiq Al Karim, Minhaz Uddin Ahmed, Faiza Tafannum, Neda Firoz

Abstract view : 1057 times
Koteswararao CH, Kunwar Singh, Anoop Kumar

Abstract view : 719 times
Zinda Rud Faiza Nur, Intan Nas Nas Rabbiana, Tiara Diba, Fitroh Fitroh

Abstract view : 1686 times
Muhammad Fauzan Abrar, Vina Ayumi

Abstract view : 639 times
Amougou Ngoumou, Atsa Etoundi Roger, Marcel Fouda Ndjodo

Abstract view : 508 times