Pemberdayaan Kader Kesehatan Melalui Inovasi Teknologi Excellent Care Menuju Masyarakat Sehat, Sejahtera dan Bebas COVID-19 di Desa Darul Amin Kecamatan Lawe Alas Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara

Yusnaini Yusnaini


Abstrak: Desa Darul Amin merupakan desa yang berada di Kecamatan Lawe Alas Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia. Survey awal selama masa pandemi COVID-19 didapatkan beberapa permasalahan berupa masyarakat sering berkumpul bersama bila ada acara/kegiatan, masyarakat merasa khawatir ke tempat layanan kesehatan, prevalensi penyakit tertinggi seperti hipertensi, rematik, asam urat dan diabetes. Adapun hasil pertanian masyarakat berupa jagung, padi, jahe, kunyit, lengkuas dan minyak kelapa.  Oleh karena itu, pentingnya pengembangan inovasi teknologi Excellent Care sebagai sarana fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dan bisnis online untuk mewujudkan masyarakat sehat, sejahtera dan bebas COVID-19. Kegiatan yang dilakukan terdiri dari pemberdayaan kader kesehatan, desiminasi ilmu tentang ramuan herbal, pengembangan inovasi teknologi Excellent Care dan kunjungan tim tenaga kesehatan untuk layanan homecare kepada masyarakat. Kegiatan tersebut bertujuan meningkatkan kesehatan melalui layanan konsultasi dan homecare, mendukung program pemerintah dalam penerapanan social distancing, memberikan peluang bisnis bagi masyarakat dalam mempromosikan ramuan herbal serta mengembangkan Desa Darul Amin sebagai desa percontohan yang memanfaatkan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan online yang dapat memandirikan masyarakat untuk hidup sehat dan produktif. Kelompok sasaran dalam kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat dan kader di Desa Darul Amin. Adapun hasil capaian kegiatan yaitu masyarakat sudah memanfaatkan layanan kesehatan online, masyarakat sudah mempromosikan ramuan herbalnya melalui, kader dan tenaga kesehatan sudah mendapatkan penghasilan dari layanan homecare.

Abstract: Darul Amin Village is a village located in Lawe Alas District, Southeast Aceh Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia. During the COVID-19 pandemic period, the initial survey found several community problems, often gathering together when there was an event/activity. The community was worried about health services, the highest prevalence of hypertension, rheumatism, gout, and diabetes. The community agricultural products are corn, rice, ginger, turmeric, galangal, and coconut oil. Therefore, the importance of developing Excellent Care technology innovation as a means of health service facilities and online businesses create a healthy, prosperous, and free of COVID-19 society. Activities carried out consisted of empowering health cadres, disseminating knowledge about herbal ingredients, developing Excellent Care technology innovations, and visiting a healthcare team for home care services to the community. This activity aims to improve health through consultation and home care services, support government programs in the application of social distancing, provide business opportunities for the community in promoting herbal concoctions and develop Darul Amin Village as a pilot village that utilizes online health service facilities that can empower people to live healthy and productive. The target groups in this activity are the community and cadres in Darul Amin Village. The results of the activity are that the community has made use of online health services, the community has promoted their herbal ingredients through, cadres and health workers have earned income from homecare services.


Pemberdayaan; kader; layanan kesehatan; COVID-19; Excellent Care

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JPKMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Indonesia)
ISSN 2721-026X (online)
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